Village ruined

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Your letters
So, the die has been cast. With councillors at the Arun District Council development control committee voting to approve the three planning applications on the table for Angmering (see page 3), the deflowering of the village environs, and the erosion of its innate sense of community have begun.

The hooks on which the committee made its decision – a new school and widening of the A259 – are pipe dreams, both unlikely to happen. Promises have been made before and then broken. Why should these be considered any more seriously?

In any case, these infrastructure improvements are only necessary because of the new development, development which local residents don’t want, at least on the scale that has now been approved.

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Existing schools can cope with existing numbers of children and the ‘magic bullet’ of the A259 widening will not benefit Angmering itself, only those travelling laterally along it.

None of the critical issues of traffic in the village, medical facilities and other infrastructure were addressed at the meeting on Thursday. It’s ironic that public speakers were only allocated the same time limitations for a consideration of this magnitude as would be allowed for the building of a conservatory!

A sad day for Angmering, but an even sadder day for the much espoused myth of local democracy, but, hopefully, a suitable epitaph for our toothless local politicians.

Derek Dainton

The Cottrells


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