LETTER: The end of all that is good in Horsham

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I object to North Horsham greenfields off the A264 as the preferred location of most of the housing for the entire district.

I also object to quantity of houses, as Horsham already expects the population of 7,000-plus houses next to the A24, and more on the A264 towards Crawley.

There is no significant increase in medical services or recreational facilities.

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The quality of life here will drop as it is. We are expecting about 30-40,000 more people and 20,000 cars.

Horsham, therefore, cannot accommodate another 10-20,000 more people, along with 5,000-10,000 cars, in the coming years.

Indeed, we are full.

The choice of site destroys the town as well as Rusper, Warnham, Faygate and Colgate. The planners must come up with a sensible plan for the district as a whole, which includes the alternative sites and housing numbers.

There is no sense here at all. Roundabouts at Warnham, Holbrook and Faygate will not cope, and neither will the A264. The proposed new train station does not make any sense as, if built (which people doubt), it brings a cut in services at Littlehaven and closure of Faygate.

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What about the residents of North Horsham and Faygate who rely on these trains to get to work?

Further, this unsuitable choice of site outside the bypass needs five underpasses to try and make this idea fit HDC paperwork? I do not believe that underpasses have yet been pushed upon any community in UK. This is the worst quality proposal that we’ve heard.

Who uses an underpass after dark? Criminals, escorts, drug dealers... If these underpasses happen, we will need extra policing for North Horsham and Roffey. This is the end of all that is good about Horsham.

Residents do not believe that HDC will recoup the costs of maintaining the area with a portion of business rates from the gains of this, half of business rates from the industrial estate is only for the first few years and only if units are rented (this we doubt, for good reason).

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After the seven years, the area will be in shambles – a liability. This plan is unjustified economically,choice of site senseless.

Pointless destruction of greenfields and of the Strategic Gap. Residents should write to councillors including C. Vickers, R. Dawe, R. Cornell, A. Baldwin, H. Croft and J. Rae and 38 others.

We are looking at the destruction of our town. Indeed, people need somewhere to live but this site and housing number does not work.


Deer Way, Horsham