LETTER: Much of value in our state schools

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I was privileged to go and see The Summer Extravaganza presented by Tanbridge House School at The Capitol on the 19th June.

For an amateur production this was extremely well done, all the pupils, whether musicians, dancers or singers, performed almost like professionals. They were all very keen and obviously had excellent coaching from their teachers, both in school time and, as I know from our grandchildren, outside of school hours.

I understand Gove wants to scrap Media Studies and Drama as GCSE subjects as they are ‘too easy’. Over the years I have seen from our own children to our grandchildren how much these activities give them the confidence to cope with life.

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Why is this current Government trying to devalue teachers all the time, claiming they do not work long enough hours, are not doing enough for their pupils, etc, etc.?

They are denying money to existing schools by promoting ‘Free schools’, and we all know nothing is free, the tax payers are paying for many things they do not agree with.

The latest wish is to make schools like supermarkets and privatise them – how will this affect schools like Tanbridge who currently offer their students so many extra curriculum activities?

On the other hand they are also criticising state schools for sporting apathy claiming only independent schools help pupils maximise their potential.

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My wife, myself and all our family, who have only attended state schools, have always been encouraged by hard working, enthusiastic teachers in whatever sport the school has had the right facilities for.

We read our children are not as clever as some in other countries (and we all know statistics can be produced to suit the person producing them) but who wants them to grow up without the chance to express themselves in the Arts and similar subjects.

Not everyone wants to be or can be as academically bright (but some are) as some of the children from different backgrounds that we keep hearing about – what life do they have studying from first thing in the morning to last thing at night?

Children should grow up as children, not robotic machines. Britain has produced many scientists, inventors, entrepreneurs, musicians, playwrights, sportsmen/women, etc., over the years with our existing education system, why keep changing it?

No wonder good teachers are leaving the profession in droves, let’s hope enough of them stay to give our children the education they rightly deserve.

E Delgado

Parry Close, Horsham